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West Sechelt Growing A Family

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West Sechelt


West Sechelt Elementary School is proud to be the centre for learning within the West Sechelt community located on the unceded territory of the shíshálh (Sechelt) Nation.


We are a vibrant learning community which offers unique learning opportunities for our students. 


Our school has an excellent Indigenous Education Program, a unique Community Garden Program, as well as many nature learning spaces for our classes to explore and learn about our natural surroundings.

At West Sechelt we are committed to the First People’s Principles of Learning. All of our students receive instruction from our Indigenous Education teacher, Bonnie Finoti, who comes to our school twice per week. In collaboration with classroom teachers, she connects language, culture and history.

Please go to the following web link to find more information about the SD #46 Indigenous Education Program:

West Sechelt Elementary is lucky to have access to our own school garden on Mason Road. Use of this plot of land was donated by a generous neighbour, John Bell. For the past eight years, many classes have visited the farm to learn about gardening and growing their own food. To date, students have planted and enjoyed: apples, strawberries, kale, carrots, snap peas, radishes, lettuce, herbs, potatoes, spinach, broccoli, squash, and zucchini. We have also donated some of that bounty to our local food bank! This is a wonderful way for students to learn about where their food comes from and how to grow and share it.

The West Sechelt community offers many natural spaces where students learn about the outdoors and the world around them. Our teachers  are committed to place-based learning. We have a nature playground nestled under the large cedar tree that anchors our athletic field. It has a variety of natural building materials that students regularly access during their recess breaks. In addition, a gate in the school fence, provides access to Wakefield Creek and a lush forest environment. We are also lucky to be in close proximity to three municipal park spaces. The ocean shoreline is also only a short walk away. 

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